About heel and foot stretches

There are many reasons why people get plantar fasciitis. The most common reason often results from a small incidental injury from starting a new exercise program after having a lay off for a period of 4 weeks or greater. Starting back into activity without sufficient steady increases in volume, intensity and having a strong stable foundation of fitness can have a detrimental affect on your body. In particular your feet and the plantar fascia. Even a return to activity after a surgery or a lay off from sickness can cause problem with the arch and plantar fascia of your feet.

The body for most people requires time frames of weeks to months to build up a level of fitness so the soft tissues like ligaments, muscle, fat and cartilage can take the pounding (1.5-3 times body weight) it receives when it walks ad runs the pavements. Conditioning t your body is critically essential if you want to avoid developing plantar fasciitis. There are 2 laws which govern how the tissues adapts to activity and forces applied to the body they are known as the Wolff's Law of soft tissue adaptation and Davis' Law of osseous (or bony) adaption. Basically these laws state that when a force is applied to a soft tissue such as muscle ligament or tendon and bone that the body will accommodated that force by adapting, changing and realigning that force. Essentially means place a force on the tissue and the tissue will change. If a force is applied too rapidly or with great intensity then tissue failure will occur resulting in rupture, micro-trauma and fracture to these tissues, scientists know that. , if these micro-traumatic events continue they too will lead to tissue failure, pain and injury.


Surgery of any type can be quite devastating to fitness levels and ability to recover quickly. Surgery that involves sectioning of muscles and deeper tissue layers often causes dysfunction of those muscle groups that have been penetrated. Any abdominal surgery is fraught with certain disruption to core body strength and hence this will affect pelvic posture, core stability, lower limb function, lower limb posture and gait. This disruption will cause a mis-alignment in lower extremity posture and cause overload or particular structures in the thigh and leg. It would not be uncommon for people to develop low grade lower back pain after abdominal surgery and hence due to changes in posture and walking style develop overuse injury of the plantar fascia and resulting tightness of calf, hamstring, hip flexors and hip abductors and adductors. All from simple surgery! Getting back to premature return to activity. The keys here are adequate rest. Remember that pain is often the body's indicator that something is not right, we need some rehabilitation and a rest.

There are many reasons why people get plantar fasciitis. The most common reason often results from a small incidental injury from starting a new exercise program after having a lay off for a period of 4 weeks or greater. Starting back into activity without sufficient steady increases in volume, intensity and having a strong stable foundation of fitness can have a detrimental affect on your body. In particular your feet and the plantar fascia. Even a return to activity after a surgery or a lay off from sickness can cause problem with the arch and plantar fascia of your feet.

The body for most people requires time frames of weeks to months to build up a level of fitness so the soft tissues like ligaments, muscle, fat and cartilage can take the pounding (1.5-3 times body weight) it receives when it walks ad runs the pavements. Conditioning t your body is critically essential if you want to avoid developing plantar fasciitis. There are 2 laws which govern how the tissues adapts to activity and forces applied to the body they are known as the Wolff's Law of soft tissue adaptation and Davis' Law of osseous (or bony) adaption. Basically these laws state that when a force is applied to a soft tissue such as muscle ligament or tendon and bone that the body will accommodated that force by adapting, changing and realigning that force. Essentially means place a force on the tissue and the tissue will change. If a force is applied too rapidly or with great intensity then tissue failure will occur resulting in rupture, fracture and micro-trauma to these tissues, scientists know that. If these micro-traumatic events continue they too will lead to tissue injury, pain and failure.

Surgery of any type can be quite devastating to fitness levels and ability to recover quickly. Surgery that involves sectioning of muscles and deeper tissue layers often causes dysfunction of those muscle groups that have been penetrated. Any abdominal surgery is fraught with certain disruption to core body strength and hence this will affect pelvic posture, core stability, lower limb function, lower limb posture and gait. This disruption will cause a mis-alignment in lower extremity posture and cause overload or particular structures in the thigh and leg. It would not be uncommon for people to develop low grade lower back pain after abdominal surgery and hence due to changes in posture and walking style develop overuse injury of the plantar fascia and resulting tightness of calf, hamstring, hip flexors and hip abductors and adductors. All from simple surgery! Getting back to premature return to activity. The keys here are adequate rest. Remember that pain is often the body's indicator that something is not right, we need a rest and some rehabilitation.

Even a return to activity after a surgery or a lay off from sickness can cause problem with the arch and plantar fascia of your feet.

It would not be uncommon for people to develop low grade lower back pain after abdominal surgery and hence due to changes in posture and walking style develop overuse injury of the plantar fascia and resulting tightness of calf, hamstring, hip flexors and hip abductors and adductors. Even a return to activity after a surgery or a lay off website from sickness can cause problem with the arch and plantar fascia of your feet.

It would not be uncommon for people to develop low grade lower back pain after abdominal surgery and hence due to changes in posture and walking style develop overuse injury of the plantar fascia and resulting tightness of calf, hamstring, hip flexors and hip abductors and adductors. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia is strained because of elevated or excessive activity, poor foot biomechanics or in combined with the usual aging process.

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